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Bridge the gap between CAD design & 3D printing

Integrated cloud based tools for a seamless experience between design, analysis and additive manufacturing (3D-printing) processes.

Features at Glance


  • Cloud  hosted solution eliminates need to purchase and maintain expensive hardware to run CAD back-end.

  • Browser based application delivery eliminates installation headaches.

  • Convenient Monthly subscription model increases affordability w/o loosing productivity benefits

  • Cloud hosted environment improves data security

  • Low monthly cost of ownership.

  • A single application environment offers integrated tools to move between design, analysis and AM processes

  • Productivity improvements via project and team based environment, online design reviews, integration with other cloud hosted services and portals.

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  • Mange Projects & Designs

  • Manage Exports 

  • Share Projects and Designs

  • Design ​Reviews

CAD Designer
  • Integrated Part and Assembly Design

  • Single environment supports parametric shapes, SubD, sketch, SVG and custom shapes

  • Continue Print Analysis as design progresses

  • Content Library


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Imaginatix Part Designer.png
Print Analysis

Analyse often as design progresses to learn early in the  process about whether the model you are designing will print as expected. 

  • Wall-thickness

  • Minimum Feature Diameter

  • Overhangs 

  • etc..

Fix many more issues automatically at the time of exporting, e.g., wire orientations and gaps in the edges etc

Scripted Shapes

When built-in shape library is just not enough, you need ability to create your own shapes. 

Imaginatix CAD API makes it easy to build custom shapes quickly using Javascript language.

These shapes can be made parametric for re-usability in your projects.

These shapes are treated as built-in solid shapes in the Part Designer providing familiar experience during editing.

Print Configuration 

Neatly organize print profiles, notes, observations, screen-shots with an exported part. 

  • Upload multiple print profiles

  • Create print observation notes

  • Upload images of the print

  • Associate profiles to observations. 

Interested? Sign up for a limited beta.

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