Release date: 02/05/2023
Dashboard load time is improved
Access to admin menu for org and account admininstration
Part Design
Sketching Improvements
Sketch editor now supports constrained dimensions. Constraints can be repositioned for optimal visibility.
Ability to snap to underlying geometry. This release adds edge snapping. Drag and click vertices on to the edge and release once the edge turns yellow.
Feature tree & Regions List
Hovering mouse over a feature will highlight the region to which feature belongs.
Hovering over a region name highlights all features contained in that region
Ability to move a feature to new region after its created.
Smart Aligment
Bug fixes
Stability improvement
​Invalid geometry​ or Invalid parameter values could lead to part build failure during load. Earlier there was no way to open the part in safe mode for editing, fix the parameter value or remove the offending feature, thus making it virtually impossible to recover part.
Now when such condition is detected, following dialog will popup providing several options. Launching part editing in Safe Mode will allow you to either fix the parameter values or remove the most recently added feature(s) that are leading to build failure. Once part builds, you can come up with design alternatives to continue with part design

Clicking on the 'Start Recovery Mode' button will relaunch part editor in safe mode.
Design for Additive Manufacturing (AM)
This module is a major enhancement to the capabilities of Imaginatix and brings us one step closer to our plan of creating an end to end solution in the browser. Please refere tp the how-to videos section on the help pages to understand further.
Key features -
Introduced concept of AM Design to encapsulate AM design. It consists of set of features that can perform variety of operations, like, converting CAD regions to volumetric representation, lattice design, field drive lattice design, support, hatching and exporting as mesh etc.
The editor offers effortless switching between CAD design and AM design mode for instant updates. Modifying original CAD design to accommodate AM design w/o import/export saves time and improves design efficiency thru specially crafted region operators.
GPU driven lattice design: The editing is pushing the boundaries of performance in the the browser with real-time GPU driven volume generation, lattice design, slicing/hatching and support. GPU based lattice design offers instant changes to the geometry as design parameters change improving your productivity. This especially useful as volumetric displays are known to take toll on your graphics card.
Design methodology offers feature composition for maximum design flexibility. This means application does not impose any hierarchy of features. E.g., a boolean feature could refer to a volume or lattice feature added before it.
Following features are currently supported -
Creation of multiple design configurations/experiments per part at various resolution levels.
Converting CAD regions into volumes
You can convert either the whole part or a specific region into volume
Converting region into a shelled volume
Converting reference CAD regions into reference volumes.
This feature serves two purpose.
One is to control lattice generation as enabler or blocker.
Second is to allow creation of variable lattice using Field Driven technique.
Volume can be latticed using one of the type below.
​​ Gyroid,
Surface Lattice using Remeshing or Voronoi meshing.
Boolean operations on volumes - Union, Cut, Intersection
Field Driven Design: Fields and Functions to generate variable lattices. At present a field can be designed in the Part designer as a reference region and used to vary properties of a lattice.
Creating slicing and hatching patterns on selected volumes
Auto orientation tool during support generation.
Volumetric tree support generation. Manual editing of support points in planned for future release.
Ability to export design as a mesh
Ability to export design as a SL1 package (Experimental). Using an open source tool like UVTools it is possible to convert SL1 package to target printer or slicer if needed.
Ability to control volume/lattice visibility improving display stability. Your design may consist of variations of a lattice or experimentation with boolean operations.By hiding volumes you can improve display performance.